Week of May 13
13 Sun | 14 Mon | 15 Tue | 16 Wed | 17 Thu | 18 Fri | 19 Sat |
hw #32 Pg 1147 #1-5, pg 1162 #2-18 even
hw #32 Pg 1147 #1-5, pg 1162 #2-18 even
hw #33 pg 1173 #1-10, pg 1205 #2 and 4 Graphs(see me for the equations)
hw #33 pg 1173 #1-10, pg 1205 #2 and 4 Graphs(see me for the equations)
hw #34 pg 1185 #1,2,3-13 odd and wrokbook pg 61 #1-3
hw #34 pg 1185 #1,2,3-13 odd and wrokbook pg 61 #1-3
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